Chinese Dynasty: Yuan – Mongol Empire with Ethnic Integration and Inequality

2023-12-10 The Yuan Dynasty (元朝, Yuán), spanning 1279 to 1368, holds a significant place in Chinese history as the first unified empire established by a minority ethnic group, with five generations and eleven emperors in succession. Genghis Khan (成吉思汗) founded the Mongol Empire in 1206, and in 1271, Kublai...

Chinese Dynasty: Southern Song - A Flourishing Tapestry of Culture and Progress

2023-07-23 The Southern Song Dynasty (南宋, Nán Sòng), which spanned from 1127 to 1279, was a period of remarkable transformation and cultural efflorescence in Chinese history. Following the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty (北宋) to the Jurchen Jin (金, Jīn), the Southern Song Dynasty established its capital in ...

Chinese Dynasty: Southern Song History - External Threats and A Corner of Peace

2023-07-15 The Southern Song Dynasty (南宋, Nán Sòng, 1127-1279 CE) was a remarkable era in Chinese history, characterized by its flourishing culture, economic prosperity, as well as military struggles. It emerged in the aftermath of the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty (北宋) to the Jurchen Jin Dynasty (金朝, Jīn...

Chinese Dynasty: Northern Song - A Glorious Era of Culture and Innovation

2023-07-08 The Northern Song Dynasty (北宋, Běi Sòng), which reigned over China from 960 to 1127 CE, is widely regarded as an era of great achievements and innovation in Chinese history. During this period, the Chinese economy grew rapidly, and the population increased significantly. The dynasty saw great a...