Why Learn Chinese?


The question of whether to learn a foreign language is a tough one. It's a pretty simple question, but there's a lot to it -

  • What kind of lifestyle do you want to live?
  • How many years do you have to devote to learning?
  • Is learning a second language useful to your life?
  • And how much change would that bring to you?
  • ......

In today's world, a second language opens doors that wouldn't otherwise be open.

The ability to travel, work with people from other cultures, and special international work opportunities - it's all contingent on learning another language!

Regions of China

So, why learn Chinese/Mandarin?

Perhaps your goal of learning Chinese lies in immersing yourself in Chinese culture - exploring ancient cultural sites, and seeing a side of the world most people in the West don't. Perhaps it lies in a job opportunity or even in getting a scholarship for education.

If you want to learn Mandarin/Chinese today, you absolutely should decide on the right method to do so - Chinese can be a difficult language, but it is also a rewarding one to learn! Not only you will welcome all the good things that come when you are able to read, write, and speak in Chinese, but people will respect your discipline and dedication when you pick up this difficult, but extremely important international language.

Woman with books on her face

If you're considering learning Chinese, you might be wondering why it's worth the effort. Here are five good reasons:

1. Chinese is the most spoken language in the world

With over 1.3 billion speakers, Chinese is the language with the most native speakers in the world. That's a lot of people you can communicate with! Not only in China but also all the people that speak Chinese/Mandarin in the world!

2. Chinese is a major world language

Not only is Chinese the most spoken language in the world, but it is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations.

3. China is a growing economic power

Chinese Cities

As China's economy continues to grow, so does its importance in the world. Knowing Chinese will give you a leg up in doing business with Chinese companies or working in China.

4. Chinese is a fascinating language

Writing Chinese characters

Chinese is a tonal language, which means that the meaning of a word can change based on the tone it is spoken in.

The written language comes with Chinese characters, making it a logographic language, meaning that each character represents a word or concept.

It's also a very concise language, which can be challenging but also fun to learn.

5. Learning Chinese can improve your memory and ability to think

Old Chinese characters

Because Chinese is such a concise language that comes with a large set of vocabulary, learning the language can also help to improve your memory and your ability to think creatively.

And the vast difference between Western languages and Mandarin Chinese offers you an entirely different way to speak and think in a language.

6. Similar/simpler grammar to English

While Chinese is very different from English, the grammar often comes naturally to English speakers. And what's better, Chinese grammar is often simpler than English. For example, there isn't much change for the present and past tenses, and it doesn't have grammatical gender.

7. The Chinese language will give you a cultural advantage

Tea on top of a book of Chinese characters

By learning Chinese, you'll gain a better understanding of Chinese culture and history. Especially if you want to learn about Chinese civilization and ancient culture.

You'll also be able to appreciate Chinese art, literature, and films in a whole new way - a whole new world opens up to you!

8. New opportunities open up to you

There are many programs out there to learn Chinese, such as an international study program where you are able to immerse yourself in a Chinese-speaking environment (usually the ideal place to learn a language) and make friends with native speakers as well as other fellow Chinese learners. And it's absolutely a great opportunity for you to expand your social network by making friends with international students from all over the world with similar interests!

You'll be able to navigate yourself through Chinese-speaking countries, and there are many great places you can travel and explore!

You'll also be able to find great job opportunities if you can speak such a widely used and sophisticated language - no matter what field you are in, international relations, business, technology, or art.

9. Learning Chinese is fun!

People crowded around a laptop

Yes, learning any language can be challenging at times, but it can also be a lot of fun.

There are many resources available to help you learn Chinese, from online courses to apps to native speakers who are willing to help. And so is our Pandaist app!

So really the question is why not learn Chinese?

There are many good reasons - whether you're looking to improve your career prospects, communicate with a wider world, or simply learn something new, Chinese is a great choice!